Comrade X

Comrade X is a 1940 American comedy spy film directed by King Vidor and starring Clark Gable, Hedy Lamarr and Oskar Homolka.

Gable prophetically jokes that Germany just invaded Russia and Panzer tanks are rolling into Ukraine to get the Russian hotel manager to kick the German reporter out of his room. Less than a year after release, Germany did indeed invade Russia and the Ukrainian SSR.This is one of the first prewar American films that openly criticized Nazi Germany. Most films dealing with Europe at the time either ignored the terrors of the totalitarian dictatorship, depicting Germany as business as usual. This of course changed after the start of World War II in Europe, and more specifically, after the Fall of France. After Germany declared war on the USA, Hollywood became a major source of propaganda, depicting Nazis as cruel savages intent on world domination, from Hitler down to the common footsoldier. ........

Source: Wikipedia